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If company don't public these information, will be fined 10000yuan
发布时间:2024-04-11 浏览:820次

New company law

Article 40. Company shall public belowing information according to regulation by National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System.

(1)Limited company shareholder subscribed and actutal paid capital contribution amount, capital contribution method and new date of capital contribution. Share numbers of subscribed by share-limited company initiator.

(2)Limited company shareholders, share-limited company initiator shareholding and share change information.

(3)Adminstrative permit, change, cancel information

(4)Other information of law, adminstrative law regulated.

Company shall insure above publicity information true, accurate, completely.

Result of don't public information

New company law 
Article 251. Company don't according to this law  article 40. public information or public fake information, ordered by the company registration authority to make corrections, can fine amount over 10000yuan and less than 50000yuan. If situation is serious, will fine  amount over 50000yuan and less than 200000yuan; Then fine amount to directed executive and other directly responsible persons for over 10000yuan and less than 100000yuan amount.

If need to handle it, please consult with Sophia.


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Source: WEWONSPRO Wechat Public