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首页 >行业资讯Don't public these information, will be fined 10000 yuan
发布时间:2024-03-29 浏览:859次
Law regulation
According to new company law,
Article 40. Company shall public following information by National Company Credit Information Public System according to regulation,
(1) Limited liability company subscribed and actual paid contribution capital amount, contribution method and new contribution date, Number of subscribed shares by initiators of share-limited company.
(2) The number of Limited liability company shareholders or share-limited company initiators subscribed share and share change information.
(3) Administrative license acquisition, change and cancellation information;
(4) The other information which law and adminstrative law regulated.
Company shall insure above information true, accurate, completely.
Result of don't public
According to new company law,
Article 251. Company don't public related information or public information inaccurately according to the Article 40 of this law, can punished money for at least 10000yuan to at most 50000yuan.
If section is serious, will be punished money for at least 50000yuan to at most 200000yuan;
it will fine the adminstrative persons who directly managed and other persons who directly responsible money for at least 10000yuan to at most 100000yuan.
If need to public related information, please consult with Sophia, she will give you satisfied reply, thanks.
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Source: WEWONSPRO Wechat Public