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Tax grade impact to company and legal representive
发布时间:2024-03-22 浏览:856次

As we all know, declare tax and make payment for tax according to law is every tax payer's duty. Tax payer shall think highly of tax stuff, handle tax registration according to law regulation, submit accounting statement to tax Bureau in time and declare tax and make payment for tax truthfully, or tax payer may confirmed as D-level tax payer, will be pulled into the tax black list and abnormal business operation list. Then what impacts will have about tax grade to comapny operation? And legal person and shareholders? Let's take a look. 

D-level tax payer

1.Value-added specialized invoice issue are according to teaching period general tax payer handle. Ordinary invoice issue hand in old invoice then provide new invoice with strictly quantity supply.

2.Will be pulled into important point monitor person and increase check and supervise freequency.

3.Informed the result of tax grade to related government department, suggest that give restrict or prohibit on some aspects, such as operation, investment, get government-supplied land, import and export, exit and entry, regist new company, project bidding, government purchasement, gain glory, security permit, work qualification, qualification examination, etc.

4.Tax bureau and related government put into effect union-punished measures to D-level tax payer.

A-level tax payer

1.General tax payer can take 3 months value-added invoice quantity at a time, if need to adjust value-added invoice quantity, tax bureau will hanle at once. Take ordinary invoice on demand requisition.

2.If you are evaluated as A-level tax payer for 3 years consistly, Beside enjoy above measures, tax bureau will provide green path or specialized person for you to help you handle tax stuff.

3.Tax bureau and related government will carry out union-incentive measure.

Impacts of D-level 

1.Can't get retirement insurance money.

2. If company owing tax, legal person will be prohibited to exit and entry border, can't buy air plane ticket, train tickets.

3.Can't loan to buy house and can't immigration. 

4.If company don't declare tax for a long time, tax bureau will check account to you.

And invoice machine are locked.

5.Be pulled into abnormal business operation list and all the external declaration were restricted, such as bank account opening, settled mall, etc.

6.Company will be punished by tax bureau for 2000-20000yuan.


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Source: WEWONSPRO Wechat Public